Fascism as a Personality Disorder

John Paul Cupp, Joshua Caleb Sutter, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and other Dip Shits

Riles Kiley
10 min readJan 2, 2022
(Photo: Andrea De Santia, Unsplash )

It is September, 2003, and John Paul Cupp just received a letter from Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. In the letter, he is addressed as “Comrade John Paul Cupp” and informed that his Songun Politics Study Group had been reported to the DPRK’s Central Committee and the Workers Party of Korea. Cupp had been made the Chairman of the Songun Politics Study Group USA, officially sanctioned by the DPRK. They would be sending Cupp more information about his duties, such as promoting their propaganda on his website and acting as a US representative for the DPRK. They even referred to him in propaganda as a “prominent U.S. public figure” with a broad U.S. movement. This is nothing new for North Korea. They have international study groups all across the world. Their study groups help legitimize the regime. Cupp however, is an unlikely candidate. At the time, Cupp is a 22 year old man, living in a tent under a bridge in Portland, Oregon. And his “broad movement” consist of hand full of friends.

Cupp arrived in Portland in October of 1999 “to join the communist party and get (his) poetry published.”
(I found some of his poetry from this time. Two, Three…Many Tent Cities!!! The Ranching Business. A Song for My Village.)
His father was a preacher and fundamentalist Christian from Indiana. Not much is known about him other than Cupp calling him a loser on ancestry.com.

I’m not sure if Cupp always carried radical and extremist ideas, but by 2003, he was running with the ilk's of neo-Nazis and white supremacist. In fact, they became leaders in his Study Group. They celebrated the September 11th attacks and the Oklahoma City Bombings. They heralded people like Jim Jones, Pol Pot, Osama Bin Laden, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes Booth, and the assassin of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. Their platform included regular examples of antisemitism, racism, and a desire to destroy the American government and turn it into a white ethnostate. Timothy McVeigh, whose Oklahoma City bombings killed 168, including 19 children, and wounding hundreds, was referred by the Study Group as an ‘Aryan hero’. Cupp wrote an article where he imagined a ‘racial communist super-State’ including Europe, Russia, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina. In his imagined world, boundaries would be separated by race. He considered this to be ‘true socialism’ and “the rebirth of the neighborhood and family again.” In his view, North Korea and the Iraqi Branch of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, were prime examples.

Regardless of Cupp’s motley of extremist ideologies, he still viewed Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il as “the two greatest human beings in the entire history of the world.” And despite Cupp’s erratic behavior, the DPRK considered the Songun Politics Study Group as their U.S. support group and Cupp as the group’s chairman. Cupp was even invited to Pyongyang as an official guest. During this time, alliances were being made with other extremist groups who shared his support for the DPRK. Some would even become jealous of his close relationship with Pyongyang.

Joshua Caleb Sutter is your typical psychopath. His father, David Sutter, lives in South Carolina preaching at a Pentecostal Church and running a “Southern Patriot Shop” which lies tucked away in a small outlet mall and is exactly what it sounds like.

Sutter has quite a legacy. As a young man, he was already a high-ranking leader in the Aryan Nations, a neo-Nazi group led by August Kreis, who advocate for the armed insurrection of the U.S. government and implementation of a white ethnostate. He was also a preacher for the Church of the Sons of Yahweh, a “Christian Identity” church with ties to the KKK. After 9/11, Sutter became the Aryan Nations’ Minister for Islamic Liaison. His open solidarity and support for Saddam Hussein and disdain for the ‘evil regime’ of the United States put him on the FBI’s radar. Unfortunately for Sutter, he was arrested by undercover feds in 2003 for the purchase of illegal automatic pistols, silencers, and the foiled plot to launch a series of bomb attacks. Apparently, he was trying to arm his comrades to blow up abortion clinics and kill political opponents. He served only 2 years in federal prison.

After his short stint, Sutter returned home to Lexington County, South Carolina. He immediately started The Rural People’s Party (RPP) and The Jim Jones Juche Caravan. His parents buy him 3.61 acres and a mobile home on 480 Sherwood Drive for a total of $75,000.

At first, he resumed his role with the Aryan Nations. In April of 2005, August Kreis moved from his headquarters in Pennsylvania to South Carolina to be near Sutter. (I assume Sutter wasn’t allowed to leave South Carolina until his parole was up.) In May, two Aryan Nations leaders and preachers for Sons of Yahweh accused Sutter of being an undercover informant for the FBI. Kriess removes Sutter from their website, he’s fired from the Sons of Yahweh, and he goes ghost.

Sutter begins going by new aliases and decides to focus solely on the Juche ideology and government of North Korea.

Cupp makes a new friend, Kevin Walsh. Walsh is known for his arrest in Phoenix, Arizona on account of threatening to assassinate the president (George W. Bush) and pulling a gun on a police officer. He was sentenced to 180 days in a mental institution. He then joins Cupp’s new organization, NACAZI, North American Committee Against Zionism and Imperialism.

NACAZI was led by Cupp and Ziad Shaker al-Jishi, a Palestinian American who is also a chairman of the U.S. Songun Politics Study Group. Al-Jishi makes several trips to Pyongyang as well. In December of 2007, the two head down to South Carolina to form a political alliance with their new friend, David Woods aka Sutter. The alliance feels sincere…at first.

The two organizations had connected over a shared infatuation with Pol Pot, former leader of the Khmer Rouge and murderer of 1.8 million Cambodians. They join forces. Sutter/Woods then starts bragging about sending anthrax to the White House. Walsh told journalist Nate Thayer, “I seriously doubt that he had anything to do with that. He doesn’t have the technical know-how to make weapons’ grade anthrax. It's not a do-it-yourself project for revolutionaries.” Walsh also believes Sutter is an FBI informant trying to get Cupp to send “anthrax” to the White House to get him and al-Jishi put in federal prison. Could it be possible that the RPP was trying to take over the Songun Study Group? Maybe. Especially considering what happened next…

Cupp falls in love. In early 2008, he and Jillian Hoy aka Comrade Morrison get engaged. This was probably one of the happiest moments of Cupp’s life. Then, like a soap opera or a Shakespearean tragedy, Cupp becomes hospitalized with chronic appendicitis and a lung infection. At the same time, his “fiance” and the entire RPP ghost him. Cupp believes it was a set up operation. He thinks his ‘fiance’ had him poisoned. And can you blame him? First, the Anthrax bit, now the honey trap? Was the RPP willing to kill Cupp for access to his position as the U.S. representative of the DPRK? Was this motivated by Sutter’s role as an informant? How much did the FBI know about all of this? Sketchy shit.

To make matters worse, Jillian Hoy was actually Sutter’s fiance the whole time. They married shortly after. After his recovery, Cupp becomes even more radicalized. He starts writing all types of crazy shit about the mass killing of Jews, support for suicide bombers, and Saddam Hussein.

Then he gets a letter from Pyongyang. They want him to post exclusively the materials they send him on the Songun website. They also want him to stop posting their DPRK propaganda alongside his racist tirades via his personal websites. Cupp writes back that he will comply immediately. He also asks if someone had complained about him and if he’s in trouble. Cupp becomes paranoid that someone’s been contacting the DPRK behind his back and trying to wreck his ties with Pyongyang. Cupp responds to the stress by becoming more and more erratic.

On November 18th, 2008, Sutter and Hoy are wed at the South Carolina Apostolic Pentecostal Church. It also happens to be the anniversary of the People’s Temple martyrdom. They celebrated their union to the soundtrack of the People’s Temple album.

Jillian decides she’s a Hindu priestess and begins going by Jayalalita Devi Dasi. Sutter decides he wants to be a Hindu Hare Krishna priest and goes by Shree Shree Kalki-Kalika Mandir. The two start the “New Bihar Mandir”, to worship an appropriated and bastardized version of Kali, Goddess of Destruction.

They post adds on their Myspace page, local papers, and in new age circles.
An example of their adds: “A new god has come to rural Lexington County, South Carolina: Their Lordships Shree Shree Kalki-Kalika. Lord Kalki will appear as the ‘Killer Avatar’ to cleanse the earth as the pivotal factor in a worldwide annihilation, from which, like a phoenix arising from the ashes, will come a new Golden Age (or ‘Satya-yuga.’)” They worship Lord Kalki as their divine master and commander over the cycles of life and death and devote themselves to bringing forth an epoch of darkness and disintegration, the Age of Kali.

These morons are obsessed with violence. So you won’t be surprised when they begin promoting Velupillai Pirabhakaran, head of the Sri Lankan ‘Tamil Tigers’, an armed guerilla group that worships Kali and sends suicide squads of teenage girls to assassinate their political rivals.
I’d love to just move on, but Sutter and Hoy are too absurd for me to not share more of their goofy ass myspace posts. Listen to how crazy this sounds, “New Bihar Mandir of Lexington, South Carolina has as its foremost mission providing the facilities for persons in our area hitherto unfamiliar with ancient Vedic wisdom to engage in this bhakti-yoga and commune personally with Lord Kalki and Goddess Kali.” Sutter also posted some dumb shit about “My wife is now having some of the happiest times I have seen her have since our marriage because of the enriching potency of Krishna consciousness.”

Believe it or not, some people vibed with Hoy and Sutter’s apocalyptic death cult. One member includes James Porrazzo, former leader of American Front. There was also Rex Morgan who has been involved in several Satanic Cults. If you are familiar with Esoteric-Hitlerism or Madame Blavasky’s Theosophy and her bullshit about root races, then you’ll understand that Sutter and Hoy’s interpretation of the Bhagavad-Gita is that its a real-life story about their Aryan ancestors. FFS.

In 2009, Jason Adams-Tonis, a student at New York University, decides he wants to get involved with the RPP. He has no idea about the drama between the U.S. Songun Politics Study Group and the RPP. So, imagine his confusion when the RPP immediately denounces their legitimacy. He decides to contact the Study Group and learns via Cupp that Sutter/Woods is actually an FBI Informant. Tonis’s message to Sutter is adorable: “ (The Songun Study Group) believes that Woods (Sutter) founded the RPP as an FBI/CIA or other government attempt to infiltrate the American Songun movement and the DPRK. Care to comment on allegations? I wish you would be more open with me; a Communist party is supposed to be a family but how can we ever become a family when you don’t even tell me your names?”
Sutter replies to Tonis with a permaban from his organization and a thinly veiled threat on his life.

In February of 2011, Cupp abandoned Juche and communism all together to take up Islam. Tonis took over leadership of the Songun Study Group. The transition was awkward. Tonis was elected as Prime Minister of the Japanese based Manchukuo Temporary Government. It is apparently some bullshit organization cosplaying as a continuation of the state of Manchukuo, a puppet state of Imperial Japan that existed between 1932–1945 and committed heinous atrocities towards the people of Korea. And still, the DPRK continued to promote the U.S. Songun Study Group in their propaganda.

James Porrazzo, former head of the American Front, had been serving time in prison for selling steroids. When he was released in 2007, he too jumped on the Pyongyang activist circuit. Parrazzo professed the ideology of “Third Positionism”. You see…he liked the far-right racial politics and all, but preferred the leftist communist economic policies. His undoing in the American Front came with his approach to Islamist extremism. He was pro 9/11, which really pissed a lot of the wrong people off. His interest in Hamas, Hezbollah, and Al Qaeda garnered unwanted attention from the state. They began to interfere with their organization. In response, he disappeared from public activism. American Front was then taken over by David Lynch who was then assassinated on March 2, 2011.

Porrazzo and Sutter created several fake Pyongyang groups to attack the Songun Study Group and become the only official organization supporting North Korea. Their ingenious plan was to post the following online:
“A warning to all Revolutionary friends of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Juche Thought: This silver spoon fed NYC metro-sexual (Tonis) exposed. Tonis’s true beliefs as the Manchukuo group is obsessively pro-Japan and anti-China, anti-communist, anti-racist, and most disturbingly militantly anti-DPRK. — He tongues the toes of the Japanese along with his Manchu reactionary cohorts as if they were his 55-year-old tranny…possible police contact/boy-girlfriend’s (toes)— then he attacks the Japanese attempting to curry favor and trust with the DPRK!”. They ended the tirade with a threat on Tonis’s life. “After the Revolution, he will answer for his crimes.”

On December 19th, 2011 Kim Jong Il died.

The U.S. Juche Study Group decided anyone who shares Porrazzo’s Third Positionist ideology would no longer be accepted into the group due “they are notoriously filled with police officers, would-be-terrorist and a whole host of other shady folks.”

Cupp is now a practicing Muslim and no longer involved with the group. He still supports Korea’s stance against American Imperialism.

Thanks to investigative reporter Ali Winston, in September of 2021, Joshua Caleb Sutter was outed by Atomwaffen’s Kaleb Cole as an FBI Informant. The information was collected via court documents and published online. The document reveals that Sutter earned more than $140,000 since he began working as an FBI informant in 2003. He was also revealed to be the publisher of Martinet Press which publishes Temple ov Blood propaganda and has ties to Atomwaffen and Order ov Nine Angles.

Primary Source: Journalist Nate Thayer’s White Power and apocalyptic cults: Pro-DPRK Americans revealed | NK News

Tune into The Empire Never Ended’s episode: Two Satanist one Cupp. (Their exploration and commentary on these events are hilarious.)

